Recertify Your California LifeLine Plan

How It Works
Don’t have your Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
About Renewing My California LifeLine
In order to continue participation in the California LifeLine program, each year all subscribers must verify that they are still eligible for the program. Subscribers who fail to renew their eligibility will be de-enrolled from the program and will lose their LifeLine benefit.
In order to continue receiving the LifeLine benefits, you must complete the form, sign it, and send it to the California LifeLine Administrator by the due date. You will have the options to renew online, by phone Monday – Friday from 7am to 7pm at 877-858-7463, or by mail.
Already submitted to renew your California LifeLine eligbility? Check your status here.
LifeLine renewal is required annually. All subscribers who originally enrolled in the LifeLine program in a year prior to the current year are required to renew.
The rules have changed. Recertification must be done prior to your Lifeline anniversary date each year. And it can’t be done until you are within 150 days of that date.
Subscribers who don’t complete successful renewal by the end of the year will be de-enrolled from LifeLine and will no longer receive LifeLine-supported service.
Fill out the form included in the pink envelope that was mailed to you and send it to:
California LifeLine Administrator, P.O. Box 138014, Sacramento, CA 95813-8014.